Monday, May 24, 2010

Why do i feel this way....Urgh

There are some thing out there in this world that truly shows that us Humans have evolved into the organisms we have come today. From the minute amoeba and other bacteria evolving, chucking out bits and pieces that are not required, adding a foreign organelle such as the mitochondria to forming a cell wall, lysosome and then where all our genetic material is stored..the Nucleus. In side this 'nucleus' we have our DNA which basically has your full life mapped out for you while having the properties of your ancestors. It contains all the information which is tall you are gonna be, how good looking are u gonna be, how white or black u gonna be.

See the thing is, i believe it also has the luck of love somewhere between those two coneected strands. Suprisingly, it turns out my grandfather and I were very alike, we both were the eldest in the family, we both are fairly tall for our family, and we dont have a good track records wit the other type of Humans, the double X. I seriously cannot be stuffed talking about my new found hobby of ancestry however the reason why my dad says the reason why he didn't became a renown auditor because of his weakness to girls, well a certain girl. This girl happened to like my big gf (grandfather for all those smart arse's) not for who he was, but for what he is. I mean back in the day if someone came from a Malaysia or any foreign country, with huge lands and a whole lot of didnt matter if they were the most ugliset brute or a violent womeniser, he would be the one to marry or atleast leech of. My big gf being the big sucker like i am fell for her looks and loved her truly to find after 4 month that he had failed his course from that random Venus who came and altered his path

THe thing is though the way how us XY chromosomes get the idea that they are a MAN if they finally get a women to say yes to them....hehehe WTF seriously though, i too had that idea but then looking back at it now its looks so idiotic. Because of these guys, people take rash and unthought moves and now end up looking and feeling like a total retard in front of themselves.

A good mate of mine thought that it would be awesome to see what having a counterpart would be like. The Toss pot started what he calls his pick up epic, starting to slowly talk to her keeping her at a distance and then slowly let her make the move of willingly talk to her, and to my surprise it was working like a charm, i would get daily updates on his progress and how awesome she was, the thing was he didnt bank on the fact that there is always negative side to having a gf.....SUCKED IN BRO....every minute of the day, he was texting her slowly but eventually falling for her which was definately not in the plan. But the moment he realised that it wasnt a joke and was the real deal when she said that she cant keep it up :( not good at all, the guys now full on reminiscing on the past, going back to those text messages and unable to shake up the past

Well the thing is for me, i hate it when everything aint happy, and i seriously hate it when something isn't the best what it could be if i truly enjoy it, ah well seeing as i have uploaded around about a cache of sad heart wrenching curry songs i will have just a small time to being what part of this ecosystem is going through

Bounjour from that guy next door

p.s I HAVE ABBS now