Wednesday, May 26, 2010

A failed tragic and a shout out

You know how i was talking about the guy on my last post, well i talked wit him yesterday and it aint good not good at all, he's down and real bad but he doesnt want to talk to anyone about it, i mean he's a lot like me except he is more bigger :P. But sheez its hurting real bad to see him like this, putting up a mask to show the world that he is perfectly fine but inside crying uncontrollably, unable to express his feelings in any manner.

I mean he’s only learning now that his attraction for that girl has no transformed into the next level..the pure level.. i mean they had PE recently and she was playing opposite to him, to his credit he played asif she was a normal opponent, but he said that it was like playing against his own mum... yes i know some of u idiots would be saying WTF MAN GET A LIFE, but as far as i see it, the only person i have turned to is my mum and only then a select few friends about any troubles i had.

Back to PE now, so there was a couple of run in’s where instead of going for her, he instead tried to go for a more harder target(even though this meant that his team would lose) but he still did it. But in the next game he did his part reducing the opposition to a few and went back for a breather. Well this breather caused so much heart break that it was devastating to see him like that, his girl got ganged up on and got him several times each the more painful. IT was like a grenade launcher exploding on contact, except every time it hit her, it exploded inside him BOOM BOOM BOOM, just like that he said, 1 2 3 shots. The thing was even though he was a good 10 metres away from her, he couldn’t simply run to her, hold her in his hands and tell her she should be alrite, no, NO. Instead he simply slumped to the ground watching the events that occurred next in a trance.

But the thing he is no pumped on about is that there is a guy Mr Try hard (yes this idea was taken from my loving mentor Karen) that is pissing him and now me (ill try not make this to faggotish) the fuckhead full on had the guys trust thinking that he would be there when he needed to be. But now he asked him questions about her and what is this status between them.. I mean seriously wtf BACKSTABBER, but the thing is now that he knoes that Tryhard is talking to her, everytime it’s like a stab in his heart purging him of all the happiness out of him and transfusing it wit sorrow, anger, sadness and hate of himself...I asked if he was jealous but he said that it wasn’t anything like that except the fact that he cant do anything to him unless he provokes him. He cant do shit all, not even one tiny talk other wise it would show that he still hasn’t get over her....making him look like a loser wit no life. But its that kind of view point that i think is bull shit all thanks to society (Bloody Gattaca)

Big shout out to Mary and Stresswar u both are idiots in ur own little way but have very different experiences wit mainstream....(HORSEY RIDE), Papa bear and his lightsaber ( U GO BOY) just go get her before the sith come, Bever....go and do something about the hindrance before it changes ure status.