Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Ancient Mystics, Spirituality and a Perfect Curry

With bronze as a mirror one can correct one’s

appearance; with history as a mirror, one can

understand the rise and fall of a state; with good

men as a mirror, one can distinguish right from wrong.


Even with good men around me as true companions, I am surrounded by this veil of confusion, disarray and cbf (thanks Kasia :D...i hope u won’t read this :P) Yesterday i was in the most randomest moods. At times i would be laughing without a care in the world like a Dolphin; at times i would be silent as the snake before it strikes; at times i would be shouting like a crazed bear looking for something to rip into; while at others i would be like a sloth just taking everything so laid back. I now consider myself as eagle, at the top of the world, without anyone to be afraid of. Yes i may now be starting to sound quite eerie. But yes. Ive changed. I can transform into the mystics of different animals without realising.

Strange what reading different ancient holy books can do to you. I have just recently finished reading the bible, some small Vedas and a whole lot of the Bhagavad Gita. Funny how today’s scientists are merely proving the concepts and beliefs of the ancient civilisations. Ever heard of the entanglement theory....whether the answer is a “F*** of” or a “yeah but how the heck do u knoe that shit”, did you Entanglement was at the core of primeval beliefs. Bloody hell, the names are as old as history----

BRAHMAN, TAO, DHARMAKAYA....Can i add, man’s oldest spiritual quest was to perceive his own entanglement, to sense his own interconnection with all things. To be ONE with the universe, or in other achieve “at-one-ment” What do Christians and Jews still strive for...atonement (DO THE MATHS man im surprised that didn’t catch on :D)

To be more specific, polarity-the positive/negative balance of the subatomic realm...if anyone one reads the Bhagavad Gita, Krishna talks about a dual world with balance....even the Kybalion (bet u never heard of it :D) talks about the binary system and the opposing forces in nature.

There are thousands of other examples such as the Heisenberg uncertainty principle underSub-atomics....The Upanishads, the sacred Vendantic scriptures was actually studied and credited by Heisenbeg and Schrődinger (ding-a-ling) both studied this text and credited it with helping them to formulate their theories. BUT whats so awesome is that there is a new cosmological model called the Superstring theory, suggesting that the universe was made up of 10 dimension, which all interacted with each other like vibrating guitar strings.....was actually in the ZOHAR, the base text of early Jewish mysticism that was once confined to the most intellectual rabbis (sexism much :D)

But all these books have given me a spiritual look at life, and at the moment they all point out that you need a woman at your side to be with you when you move through the various levels. Sure I don’t want to be like Bever who says he wants to be a Brahmachari (suck shit niggaaaaah :P) but i want to be able to experience all of life. A new start. I don’t want to do what i did before-letting my lust and must i quote Karen “Dick” manipulate my brain into synthesising feelings to a girl on the move while i was still enjoying being a trouble maker J.

Onto another subject now, i was thinking, the three other guys who i consider family...Gorilla, Bever, and Frankilin...we combine make up the perfect curry. Franklin's sexy back muscles, Gorillas hairy yet massive arms, Bever's ripped Abbs, and my pecs combined would make up a force of reckoning

Then we would have to say good-bye. I hate good-byes. I know what I need. I need more hellos. ~Charles M. Schulz

P.s FARKIN hell, Bever's come out of the closet with 8 fantastic abbs, while i am eating like theres no tomorow....bloody anorexic :D amma's like u aint gonna get ure useless abbs if u keep on eating rice and curry like ure dad :(

P.s.s Franklin and I have now a meaning to life...bring out the inner Hercules to the outside.

P.s.s.s Far out, three girls all at the same time, what more could you not ask for .....